Understanding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OCD
Understanding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Dr. Sandra offers professional help and personalized guidance through individual therapy for OCD. She has expertise in effective strategies and treatment for OCD using Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Dr. Sandra helps teens and adults on their journey overcoming OCD and improving their life.

What is OCD?
OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is a disorder characterized by the presence of obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are intrusive, unwanted thoughts, images, or urges that cause intense discomfort. Compulsions often follow obsessions as a mechanism for individuals to neutralize the distress associated with the obsession. A classic example is - an obsessive thought of getting sick from touching a public door knob followed by a compulsion of handwashing after touching the knob or avoiding touching the knob altogether. Compulsions are not always physical behaviors like hand washing or checking, they can be avoidance behaviors (NOT touching something) or done mentally (counting, ruminating).
Symptoms of OCD
To meet symptom criteria for a diagnosis of OCD, an individual must be experiencing obsessions (with or without compulsions), with obsessions and/or compulsions occurring for more than one hour per day. Individuals with OCD will feel as if the obsessions/compulsions are getting in the way of their daily functioning or causing significant distress in daily life.
Although not a set criteria symptom for OCD, many individuals with OCD also experience pervasive doubt and discomfort with uncertainty related to their obsessions. The distress from obsessions often directly relates to doubt/uncertainty around if the obsessions could mean something or come true. Compulsions are a way individuals with OCD attempt to reduce this uncomfortable sensation of doubt/uncertainty.
Another common symptom with OCD, is a concept of “loose logic.” This means that individuals are often aware the obsessions and compulsions are not logical or likely from a probability perspective - however, this pervasive doubt overrides logic and rational reasoning. This can be very frustrating for individuals with OCD.

Causes of OCD
There is no specific root cause of OCD. Risk factors for OCD include family history of OCD, genetics, brain abnormalities, childhood experiences, and stressful life events. Traits like perfectionism, neuroticism, or high rigidity can also be risk factors for developing OCD. While experts are not sure on the cause of OCD, they are clear on effective treatment methods.

Treatment Options for OCD
- ✔ Several treatment options are available to help individuals manage OCD symptoms. Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) is the “gold standard” therapeutic treatment for OCD.
- ✔ Additional therapeutic approaches including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) have also demonstrated research support for efficacy.
- ✔ Medications, most commonly Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), have also shown evidence for effectiveness at reducing OCD symptoms.
- ✔ Research on these treatments have shown that individuals can cope with, live with, and overcome OCD.
Strategies and Tips for Managing OCD
While Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) is the primary therapeutic recommendation for managing OCD, there are strategies and tips that can be helpful as well. There are many resources for OCD available online. Self-guided help is available through https://www.ocdchallenge.com/. A great podcast for support and learning about OCD is https://theocdstories.com/.

A few helpful coping reminders for OCD include:
We cannot control our thoughts.
We can control whether or not we respond and engage with thoughts that come up.
Practice naming intrusive thoughts/obsessions -”this is an intrusive thought” and moving forward without engaging through compulsions (i.e., rumination, checking, counting etc.).

Let’s Connect
If you are trying to find help for OCD, you are in the right place. Dr. Sandra offers expert advice and treatment for OCD in Conshohocken, PA and virtually in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and many other states. Take the first step toward improving your life and overcoming OCD by booking a free 10 minute introduction and consultation call with Dr. Sandra.
Conshohocken, PA, Main Line Suburbs, and virtually across Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and several other states