Externalization of anxiety is when we see our experience of anxiety (however it shows up- thoughts, bodily sensations, nervousness, urge to avoid) as SEPARATE from ourselves.
How we do this:
1) Notice how anxiety shows up for you
2) Group those experiences of anxiety together as a separate entity/character from yourself
3) Give this entity/character of anxiety a name, visualize what it looks like – visualize it as separate from yourself
4) Talk to it. Befriend it or boss it back. It’s up to you. I recommend giving both a try!
- Examples to befriend it: “Hi George, I see you’re here. Welcome. Thank you for looking out for me. I’m safe right now. You can stick around or head out. Up to you. I’m good either way. “
- Examples to boss it back: “Hi George. I’m not listening to you today. Nope, not listening to you. That could be true, but so could X, and you tend to be negative anyway.”